With so many variations of fish names right now, it is not surprising that consumers these days get confused by what they are eating or what they are actually looking for. "Snow Cod" or 鳕鱼, a highly popular fish in Singapore, is not actually a cod, but a Patagonian toothfish whose name got changed to Chilean Seabass and eventually to Snow Cod in this part of the world. This confusion among white fish and different naming conventions across countries and continents has led to practice of using latin names on official import/ export documents to avoid confusion.
While there are many types of cod in the cod family, the Pacific Cod (latin name Gadus macrocephalus) is very popular due to its mild savoury flavour and chunky meat texture. Such a profile is usually popular in home kitchens and restaurants alike as it is difficult to go wrong and easy to accept by most palates. Its texture also makes it perfect for fish and chips.
Where is Pacific Cod from?
Pacific cod are found in the coastal North Pacific Ocean, from the Bering Sea to Southern California in the east and to the Sea of Japan in the west. Wild-caught Pacific cod is a smart seafood choice because it is sustainably managed and responsibly harvested in both Canada and the USA.
Given that Pacific Cod comes from cold waters, does that mean that its meat is oily like salmon?
Not all cold water fish store fats in their meat. Fish such as the cod stores fats in its liver (hence its use to make cod liver oil); unlike fatty fish like salmon, which stores its fats in muscle tissue.
What are the health benefits of Pacific Cod?
Pacific Cod is low in saturated fats while at the same time, is still a good source of omega-3. It is also high in Vitamin B12, Vitamin B6 and other essential minerals.
How do I cook Pacific Cod?
At Dishthefish, we sell our Pacific Cod in very convenient, frozen fillet forms. We have one option in the form of fish and chips, making it easy for you to just heat it up in the toaster at home. The other option we have is the skinless fillet portions, where each fish comes between 100-170g for easy portioning and fast cooking. This mild tasting fish tastes good even with simple steaming and baking with herbs.