We are facing uncertain times now and as we are advised to stay at home more, it is important to have food that keeps the family strong and healthy. We've lined up some of our top immune boosting products here for you. Click on the pictures to get directed to the products on our online shop!
1. Pure Fish Bone Broth
Through the process of bone broth making, nutrients from the fish are transformed into highly bioavailable and digestible forms that are absorbed quickly into the body. Collagen in the broth also helps to reduce inflammation and improve our gut health.
2. Black Cod

Broadly, the strongest known benefits of Omega-3 fatty acids is the role it plays in reducing the risk of heart disease and in the development of the brain. Omega-3 fatty acids also reduce inflammation in the body, and is hence beneficial for medical conditions related to inflammation. This includes arthiritis and skin conditions like eczema. Oily fish like black cod, salmon, Chilean seabass and Chinese Pomfret contain higher amounts of Omega-3 fatty acids.
3. Wild Sockeye Salmon
Besides containing high amounts of omega-3, wild sockeye salmon contains astaxanthin, a potent antioxidant that helps to balance and strengthen the immune system.
4. Wild Sea Prawns
Prawns and other shellfish like scallops are a rich source of selenium, one of the most effective antioxidants at maintaining healthy cells. This antioxidant helps lower oxidative stress in your body, which reduces inflammation and enhances immunity.
5. Oysters
Zinc helps the body to fight viruses and boost our body's immune response. It is found in higher contents in shellfish like oysters, clams, lobster and crab.